ICMP 2013 Travel Award (deadline extended to April 20, 2013)
ICMP 2013 Travel Award (deadline extended to April 20, 2013)
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Publication of Doctoral Theses and Dissertation abstracts on the Medical Physics International journal (Deadline for abstract submission: March 4, 2013)
Publication of Doctoral Theses and Dissertation abstracts on the Medical Physics International journal (Deadline for abstract submission: March 4, 2013)
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The latest issue of the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP) is now online
The latest issue of the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP) is now online
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DFG/ICSU/ISSC Young Scientists Networking Conference on Integrated Science. Application deadline: December 14, 2012
DFG/ICSU/ISSC Young Scientists Networking Conference on Integrated Science. Application deadline: December 14, 2012
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Statement of Collaboration between IOMP and IRPA on the Use of Ionizing Radiation in Health Care
Statement of Collaboration between IOMP and IRPA on the Use of Ionizing Radiation in Health Care
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Call for Nominations - Exhibition of posters of medical physicists who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of medical physics over the last 50 years
Call for Nominations – Exhibition of posters of medical physicists who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of medical physics over the last 50 years
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IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2013
IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2013
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IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2012
IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2012
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Brazil-U.S. Exchange Program, APS is Now Accepting Applications from U.S. Applicants
Brazil-U.S. Exchange Program, APS is Now Accepting Applications from U.S. Applicants
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Invitation to Submit Application for Hosting World Congress 2018
Dear Colleagues, At this time the Congress Coordinating Committee invites interested countries to submit “Letter of Interest for Hosting the 2018 World Congress” and return it to the Prof. Barry Allen at ...
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IOMP Elections 2012-2015 term- Letter for inviting nominations by 28th Jan 2012
IOMP Elections 2012-2015 term- Letter for inviting nominations by 28th Jan 2012
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IOMP Travel Award application
IOMP Travel Award application
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WHO Call for the 2012 innovative health technologies for low-resource settings.
WHO Call for the 2012 innovative health technologies for low-resource settings. For further details, please go to:
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Maria Sklowdoska Curie Award The Harold Johns Medal And Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics IUPAP Affiliated Commission on Medical Physics
The International Organization for Medical Physics is pleased to announce that it will present the Maria Sklowdoska Curie Award The Harold Johns Medal And Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics IUPAP Affiliated Commission on Medical Physics At the...
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The IAEA to hold an International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine - Setting the Scene for the Next Decade. 3-7 December, 2012, Bonn, Germany
The IAEA to hold an International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine – Setting the Scene for the Next Decade. 3-7 December, 2012, Bonn, Germany
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Do Medical Physicists have a role in case of nuclear or radiological emergency?
Do Medical Physicists have a role in case of nuclear or radiological emergency?
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Radiological emergencies and the Medical Physicist (reprinted with permission of Medical Physics)
Radiological emergencies and the Medical Physicist (reprinted with permission of Medical Physics)
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Patient safety and the Medical Physicist (reprinted with permission of Medical Physics)
Download Patient safety and the Medical Physicist (reprinted with permission of Medical Physics)
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IOMP Guidance on ISCO-08
Download IOMP Guidance on ISCO-08
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IOMP Policy Statements No.1
Download IOMP Policy Statement 1
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IOMP Policy Statements No.2
IOMP Policy Statements
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IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics
The IOMP is pleased to announce that the IUPAP Award Young Scientist Award will be presented at the International Conference on Medical Physics that will be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil 17-20 April 2011. This award is established and funded by the International...
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