IOMP President’s Message

John Damilakis, PhD
President, IOMP

IOMP-IRPA MoU, IMPW program, IDMP poster, endorsements/sponsorships
Dear Colleagues,
As I have mentioned in a previous message, to meet challenges and address major issues, it is important to develop a strong and positive relationship with international organizations and interested parties in healthcare. IOMP signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) on March 8, 2023. According to the MoU, IOMP and IRPA will:
- organize joint events or sessions at each other’s scientific meetings.
- invite a designated representative of the other organization to participate in respective general body meetings as non-voting member.
- explore possibilities of cooperation in projects.
We look forward to fruitful collaboration with IRPA.
IOMP celebrates the International Medical Physics Week this year (IMPW 2023) during the last week of April 2023 (24-28 April 2023). As in previous years, IOMP organizes a series of webinars during the Week. The detailed program has been uploaded at
As in previous years, we will celebrate the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) on the 7th of November 2023. The theme of this year’s IDMP is “IOMP’s 60th Anniversary: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants” to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of IOMP. We are looking for a creative poster design. Conditions:
- One page
- In English
- Reflects the above theme
- One design per person/ society
- Submit to Ibrahim Duhaini, IDMP Coordinator, at [email protected]
- The deadline to submit the design is Friday, May 19, 2023
- For references to previous posters please visit
The design that receives the higher voting score from the IOMP ExCom will be adopted by IOMP and the winner will be announced and get acknowledged.
As stated in the IOMP statutes, “The objectives of the International Organization for Medical Physics are to organize international cooperation in medical physics and allied subjects; to contribute to the advancement of medical physics in all its aspects, especially in developing countries”. IOMP achieves these objectives by sponsoring or endorsing meetings, classes and/or workshops with national and/or regional members. IOMP has recently endorsed the MEFOMP Medical Physics Conference, May 19-22 2023 and the “III Jornadas de actualización en radioterapia avanzada” organized in Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios (UNER), CEMENER, Oro Verde, Entre Ríos, Argentina. We will also support the 5th edition of the “School on Medical Physics for Radiation Therapy” addressed to young radiotherapy medical physicists from LMI countries, 11-22 September 2023, ICTP, Trieste, Italy by reimbursing Prof. Arun Chougule’s travel expenses. Prof. Chougule will act as lecturer and co-Director of the School. IOMP is currently evaluating more applications for endorsement/sponsorship.