IOMP participation, support, and endorsement of “ICTP School on Medical Physics for Radiation Therapy: Dosimetry, Treatment Planning and Delivery for Advanced Applications” (11 – 22 September 2023), ICTP, Trieste, Italy

Arun Chougule, PhD

ICTP is helping to educate and train medical physicists from developing countries by regularly organizing the education and training programs. The ICTP School School on Medical Physics for Radiation Therapy: Dosimetry, Treatment Planning and Delivery for Advanced Applications held during 11-22 September 2023 at ICTP , Trieste was supported by various professionals’ organisations including IOMP by deputing and supporting a faculty member. The objective of the school was to contribute to the understanding of physics applied to radiation oncology and the development of competent medical physicists who can make a direct contribution to the improvement of health care in their countries through better radiation therapy.
Directors and supporting professionals organisations of this program were
- SEVERGNINI, University Hospital of Trieste, Italy
The main topics of the school were Radiobiology applied to radiation therapy, Radiation dosimetry, Therapy equipment, Dosimetry algorithms, 3D conformal, advanced (IMRT, VMAT, SBRT) treatment delivery and brachytherapy, Treatment planning and its practical implementation, Treatment verification, Quality assurance, Artificial intelligence in radiation therapy and case studies.
The school was very well arranged with lectures from basics to advanced technologies/ applications in radiation therapy supported by practical’s/demonstrations at hospitals. There were 8 directors of the program with 23 faculties of the program who were highly experienced. Total of 39 participants from 29 countries participated in this program.
Hands on training on Ray Station simulation at info lab for various exercises to name few MU calculation for photon beam exercise, Multi-modal image integration and organ motion management exercises, TPS exercises: conformal radiotherapy planning, IMRT/VMAT planning exercises, SBRT planning exercises was very useful and participants took advantage of the info lab facility on weekends also. The participants were enthusiastic to get the doubts cleared the faculty as well was more than happy and available to clear the doubts.
The hospital training and demonstration by experienced medical physicists was very useful and included the practical’s on Small photon field dosimetry, IMRT/VMAT pre-treatment verification exercise, HDR brachytherapy exercise.
For providing opportunity and participation of the participants a poster presentation and competition was held. To access the level of knowledge of the participants multiple choice entry test was conducted on first and to access the gain from the school course evaluation & final test was held on the last day of the school.
Students and faculty interacted during coffee, lunch breaks and also during evening dinners.
I compliment the course coordinator Prof Renato Padovani and all the directors, faculty, participants for fruitful, successful two weeks school. I am fortunate proud to be one of the Co-directors and faculty of the program.
I thank Prof John Damilakis, President of IOMP and IOMP ExCom for the opportunity to me.