International Commission on Medical Physics(IComMP)

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[acchead id=”icomp-” tab_id=”icomp-1″ class=”active”]Membership[/acchead]
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Membership 2022-2025

IOMP Officers

  1. John Damilakis (President IOMP, john.damilakis@med.uoc.gr)
  2. Eva Bezak (Vice Presiden IOMP, eva.bezak@adelaide.edu.au)
  3. Madan Rehani (Past-President, madan.rehani@gmail.com)
  4. Magdalena Stoeva (Secretary General IOMP, sg.iomp@gmail.com)
  5. Ibrahim Duhaini (Treasurer, duhaini@yahoo.com)

IOMP Committee Chairs

  1. Mahadevappa Mahesh (Science, SC, MMAHESH@jhmi.edu)
  2. Arun Chogule (Education & Training, ETC, arunchougule11@gmail.com)
  3. Simone Kudlulovic Renha (Professional Relations, PRC, simonekodlulovich@gmail.com)
  4. Francis Hasford (Publication, PC, haspee@yahoo.co.uk)

Associate Members from IUPAP Commissions

Membership 2018-2021

IOMP Officers

  1. Madan Rehani (President IOMP, madan.rehani@gmail.com)
  2. John Damilakis (Vice Presiden IOMP, john.damilakis@med.uoc.gr)
  3. Slavik Tabakov (Past-President, slavik.tabakov@emerald2.co.uk)
  4. Eva Bezak (Secretary General IOMP, sg.iomp@gmail.com)
  5. Ibrahim Duhaini (Treasurer, duhaini@yahoo.com)

IOMP Committee Chairs

  1. Geoffrey Ibbott (Science SC, gibbott@mdanderson.org)
  2. Arun Chogule (Education & Training, ETC, arunchougule11@gmail.com)
  3. Yakov Pipman (Professional, PRC, ypipman@gmail.com)
  4. Paolo Russo (Publication, PC, russo@na.infn.it)

Associate Members from IUPAP Commissions

  1. Ramin Golestanian
  2. Sekazi Kauze Mtingwa

Membership 2012-2015

IOMP Officers

  1. Kin Yin Cheung (President IOMP, kycheung@hksh.com)
  2. Slavik Tabakov (Vice-President, slavik.tabakov@emerald2.co.uk)
  3. Fridtjof Nüsslin (Past-President IOMP, AC-4 Chair, nuesslin@lrz.tu-muenchen.de)
  4. Madan Rehani (Secretary General IOMP, sg.iomp@gmail.com)
  5. Anchali Krisanachinda (Treasurer, kanchali@yahoo.com)

IOMP Committee Chairs

  1. Geoffrey Ibbott (Science SC, gibbott@mdanderson.org)
  2. John Damilakis (Education & Training, ETC, damilaki@med.uoc.gr)
  3. Raymond Wu (Professional, PRC, raykwu@gmail.com)
  4. Tae Suk Suh (Publication, PC, suhsanta@catholic.ac.kr)

Associate Members from IUPAP Commissions

  1. Kenichi Yoshikawa (Chair C6, Biological Physics, yoshikaw@scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
  2. Paulo Murilo de Castro Oliveira (C13, Physics for Development, pmco@if.uff.br)
  3. Robert Lambourne (C14, Physics Education, r.j.lambourne@open.ac.uk)
  4. 3 external scientists co-opted by AC-4

3 external scientists co-opted by AC-4: To be nominated


[acchead id=”icomp-” tab_id=”icomp-0″ class=””]Aims[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”icomp-0″ in=””]To strengthen the role of medical physics in science, the IOMP has established a formal relationship with the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). The committee IComMP has been recognized as the Affiliated Commission AC.4 Medical Physics of the IUPAP. http://www.iupap.org/commissions/afflicom/index.html

In accordance with the aims of the IOMP, the mission of IComMP is to advance medical physics science and practice worldwide by disseminating scientific and technical information, strengthening the interaction of medical physics with other branches of physics, fostering the educational and professional development of medical physicists, and promoting the highest quality medical services for patients. IComMP has access to the IUPAP program which sponsors international meetings, specifically encourages female scientists to engage in science and offers the annual IUPAP Young Scientists Prize to acknowledge outstanding research of junior physicists.[/accbody]

[acchead id=”icomp-” tab_id=”icomp-2″ class=””]Terms of Reference[/acchead]
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  • To advance the application of physics to medicine.[/list_item]
    [list_item]To uphold and support the mission and activities of both IOMP and IUPAP.
  • To Establish closer links between medical physicists and medical engineers and other pure and applied physicists.
  • To promote the objectives of IUPAP in the area of expertise of IComMP.
  • To attract pure and applied physicists to work in medical physics.[/list_item]
    [list_item]To provide advice to IUPAP on the activities and needs of medical physics.
  • To foster research and education.

The above have been extracted from the Bylaws of the IOMP approved by the Council in September 2009.
