1. Ibrahim Duhaini, Lebanon – Chair
  2. Shigekazu Fukuda, Japan
  3. Sanchez Palmer, Africa
  4. Ana Maria Marques da Silva, Brazil

  5. John Damilakis, Greece
  6. Eva Bezak, Australia
  1. Ibrahim Duhaini, Lebanon – Chair
  2. Eva Bezak, Australia
  3. Shigekazu Fukuda, Japan
  4. Ahmed Ibn Seddik, Morooco
  5. Ana Maria Marques da Silva, Brazil

  6. Madan Rehani, USA
  7. John Damilakis, Greece
  1. Dr. Anchali Krisanachinda, Chair
  2. Dr. Slavik Tabakov
  3. Dr.Virginia Tsapaki
  4. Dr.Stephen Keevil
  5. Dr.Ruben Pauwels


  • To advise ExCom on all the monetary affairs of the Organization.
  • To prepare the annual budget for approval by ExCom.
  • To prepare financial procedures as set out in the Bylaws for approval by ExCom.
  • To prepare any other guidelines concerning the Organization’s income and expenditure.
  • To formulate and keep under review a dues structure for the national organizations in accord with the structure specified in the Bylaws. Recommend to ExCom the actual dues to be paid by the various categories of member.
  • To prepare and recommend the overall financial plans for the Organization.

The above TORs have been extracted from the Bylaws of the IOMP approved by the Council in May 2022.